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Feather Bab 7 completed (8 May 2013)
Terimakasih sudah berkunjung ^-^
Feather come to Simple RPG. ^^
Maaf... Admin lagi sibuk kuliah. jadi untuk kelanjutan ceritanya akan membutuhkan waktu yang lama. Gomen! -_-


 continuation of Tebak Tebakan Iklan di TV

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3 posters
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Kurai Creator
Kurai Creator

Jumlah posting : 1090
Join date : 08.06.10
Age : 29
Lokasi : Bandung

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continuation of  Tebak Tebakan Iklan di TV Left_bar_bleue943/1050continuation of  Tebak Tebakan Iklan di TV Empty_bar_bleue  (943/1050)
Level: 14
Title: Shinshimavio

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PostSubyek: continuation of Tebak Tebakan Iklan di TV   continuation of  Tebak Tebakan Iklan di TV EmptyWed Jun 09, 2010 9:19 am


Bulat - Bulat ingat **** ********
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Shinsaku Fukuyama
Shinsaku Fukuyama

Jumlah posting : 570
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Age : 30
Lokasi : Garut

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continuation of  Tebak Tebakan Iklan di TV Left_bar_bleue452/550continuation of  Tebak Tebakan Iklan di TV Empty_bar_bleue  (452/550)
Level: 10
Title: Shinshimavio

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PostSubyek: Re: continuation of Tebak Tebakan Iklan di TV   continuation of  Tebak Tebakan Iklan di TV EmptyFri Jun 11, 2010 1:29 pm

gery O'donuts
xD xD xD xD

Pengen pintar, mkan na blajar
dan mnum ********** *****
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^ Hima 'Usui' ~ Hanami ^
^ Hima 'Usui' ~ Hanami ^

Jumlah posting : 778
Join date : 11.06.10
Age : 29
Lokasi : Cimahi , Bandung , Jawa Barat :)

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Level: 12
Title: Shinshimavio

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PostSubyek: Re: continuation of Tebak Tebakan Iklan di TV   continuation of  Tebak Tebakan Iklan di TV EmptyFri Jun 11, 2010 4:25 pm

cerebrovit excel !

lagu iklan favorit sayaa ... 1 2 3 4 !
"Bila keju richeese lezat ketemu coklat ! ******** *********** ! Kejunya berlapis-lapis ******** *********** , ******** *********** keju coklat top abiss !"

udah di kasih klunya tuh takut terlalu susah , kata awalnya dah hana kasih tau nyahahahaha ~
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Kurai Creator
Kurai Creator

Jumlah posting : 1090
Join date : 08.06.10
Age : 29
Lokasi : Bandung

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Level: 14
Title: Shinshimavio

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PostSubyek: Re: continuation of Tebak Tebakan Iklan di TV   continuation of  Tebak Tebakan Iklan di TV EmptySat Jun 12, 2010 9:06 am

richeese chococheese

Jelly apa yang kaya seratnya, Jelly ku ** *****
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Shinsaku Fukuyama
Shinsaku Fukuyama

Jumlah posting : 570
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Level: 10
Title: Shinshimavio

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PostSubyek: Re: continuation of Tebak Tebakan Iklan di TV   continuation of  Tebak Tebakan Iklan di TV EmptySun Jun 13, 2010 4:35 pm

my jelly

dri 10 ibu 7 cinta ****
bju tetap cemerlang yg putih mkin putih

ap cba
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^ Hima 'Usui' ~ Hanami ^
^ Hima 'Usui' ~ Hanami ^

Jumlah posting : 778
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Level: 12
Title: Shinshimavio

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PostSubyek: Re: continuation of Tebak Tebakan Iklan di TV   continuation of  Tebak Tebakan Iklan di TV EmptySun Jun 13, 2010 10:21 pm

Daia ! huahahaha ~

bersih bersinar ******** !
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Kurai Creator
Kurai Creator

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Age : 29
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Level: 14
Title: Shinshimavio

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PostSubyek: Re: continuation of Tebak Tebakan Iklan di TV   continuation of  Tebak Tebakan Iklan di TV EmptyMon Jun 14, 2010 12:48 pm

Sunlight xD

Nongkrong di warung kopi....
mejeng sana dan sini...
ngopi *** **** asli...
bareng teman makin hepi.

ngopi *** **** lagi.....................
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^ Hima 'Usui' ~ Hanami ^
^ Hima 'Usui' ~ Hanami ^

Jumlah posting : 778
Join date : 11.06.10
Age : 29
Lokasi : Cimahi , Bandung , Jawa Barat :)

Character sheet
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Level: 12
Title: Shinshimavio

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PostSubyek: Re: continuation of Tebak Tebakan Iklan di TV   continuation of  Tebak Tebakan Iklan di TV EmptyTue Jun 15, 2010 7:58 pm

ABC Mocca eeh ABC Moca ? Moka ? berpikir

kacaaaang ~ kacaaang ~
telur ~ telur ~~
kacang telur *****

*iklan geje*
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Kurai Creator
Kurai Creator

Jumlah posting : 1090
Join date : 08.06.10
Age : 29
Lokasi : Bandung

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Level: 14
Title: Shinshimavio

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PostSubyek: Re: continuation of Tebak Tebakan Iklan di TV   continuation of  Tebak Tebakan Iklan di TV EmptyWed Jun 16, 2010 8:59 am

Kacang telur garuda xD

Kentang.... Colek....
Kentang... Colekkk...

Kentang colek... *******
kentang colek... *******
Kentang Colek ku...
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^ Hima 'Usui' ~ Hanami ^
^ Hima 'Usui' ~ Hanami ^

Jumlah posting : 778
Join date : 11.06.10
Age : 29
Lokasi : Cimahi , Bandung , Jawa Barat :)

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Level: 12
Title: Shinshimavio

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PostSubyek: Re: continuation of Tebak Tebakan Iklan di TV   continuation of  Tebak Tebakan Iklan di TV EmptyThu Jun 17, 2010 1:01 pm

hhaa ? apaan yak ? Citaku ? aduh tau iklan lupa nama bingung2
demennya Chitato sih ..

****** ****** ! yang penting rasanya , bukan gedenya ~
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Kurai Creator
Kurai Creator

Jumlah posting : 1090
Join date : 08.06.10
Age : 29
Lokasi : Bandung

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Level: 14
Title: Shinshimavio

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PostSubyek: Re: continuation of Tebak Tebakan Iklan di TV   continuation of  Tebak Tebakan Iklan di TV EmptyFri Jun 18, 2010 9:57 am

Richeese Nabati

**** nyuci jadi enteng
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Shinsaku Fukuyama
Shinsaku Fukuyama

Jumlah posting : 570
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Age : 30
Lokasi : Garut

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Level: 10
Title: Shinshimavio

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PostSubyek: Re: continuation of Tebak Tebakan Iklan di TV   continuation of  Tebak Tebakan Iklan di TV EmptyFri Jun 18, 2010 1:14 pm


**** ***** drink, tunda lapar di perut.... xD
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^ Hima 'Usui' ~ Hanami ^
^ Hima 'Usui' ~ Hanami ^

Jumlah posting : 778
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Age : 29
Lokasi : Cimahi , Bandung , Jawa Barat :)

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Level: 12
Title: Shinshimavio

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PostSubyek: Re: continuation of Tebak Tebakan Iklan di TV   continuation of  Tebak Tebakan Iklan di TV EmptyTue Jun 22, 2010 9:21 am

Okky Jelly Drink ~

"aku gg punya bapak"
"hiks hiks .. padahal om punya *** ****** lho"
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Kurai Creator
Kurai Creator

Jumlah posting : 1090
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Age : 29
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Level: 14
Title: Shinshimavio

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PostSubyek: Re: continuation of Tebak Tebakan Iklan di TV   continuation of  Tebak Tebakan Iklan di TV EmptyTue Jun 22, 2010 10:54 am

Mie sedap~ xD

Ini pensil....
Ini permen *****
dari pada gigit pensil
mending gigit *****

jelek iklan nya. Biarin..
yang penting *****

ayo ayo permen enak permen enak xD xD
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^ Hima 'Usui' ~ Hanami ^
^ Hima 'Usui' ~ Hanami ^

Jumlah posting : 778
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Age : 29
Lokasi : Cimahi , Bandung , Jawa Barat :)

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Level: 12
Title: Shinshimavio

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PostSubyek: Re: continuation of Tebak Tebakan Iklan di TV   continuation of  Tebak Tebakan Iklan di TV EmptyTue Jun 22, 2010 9:48 pm

Mintz . hha ha .

Permen lollipop *** *** , diputer" *** *** . aku *** *** semua *** *** . yuuk mari *** *** !
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Kurai Creator
Kurai Creator

Jumlah posting : 1090
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Age : 29
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Level: 14
Title: Shinshimavio

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PostSubyek: Re: continuation of Tebak Tebakan Iklan di TV   continuation of  Tebak Tebakan Iklan di TV EmptyWed Jun 23, 2010 11:59 am

Clap Clup xD

***** Dang dang dang, ***** dang dang dang, ***** dang dang dang, ***** dang dang dang,

***** tok tok tok
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^ Hima 'Usui' ~ Hanami ^
^ Hima 'Usui' ~ Hanami ^

Jumlah posting : 778
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Age : 29
Lokasi : Cimahi , Bandung , Jawa Barat :)

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Level: 12
Title: Shinshimavio

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PostSubyek: Re: continuation of Tebak Tebakan Iklan di TV   continuation of  Tebak Tebakan Iklan di TV EmptyThu Jun 24, 2010 9:29 pm

apaaaan ituuu ?? cuma dang dang doang . nyeraaah >______<
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Kurai Creator
Kurai Creator

Jumlah posting : 1090
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Age : 29
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Level: 14
Title: Shinshimavio

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PostSubyek: Re: continuation of Tebak Tebakan Iklan di TV   continuation of  Tebak Tebakan Iklan di TV EmptyFri Jun 25, 2010 10:22 am


Hima belum bikin iklan TV nya
bikin dulu
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^ Hima 'Usui' ~ Hanami ^
^ Hima 'Usui' ~ Hanami ^

Jumlah posting : 778
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Level: 12
Title: Shinshimavio

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PostSubyek: Re: continuation of Tebak Tebakan Iklan di TV   continuation of  Tebak Tebakan Iklan di TV EmptyFri Jun 25, 2010 10:55 am

Lucky ? apaan tuh ? cape

jangan nonton bola tanpa ****** ******
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Kurai Creator
Kurai Creator

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Level: 14
Title: Shinshimavio

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PostSubyek: Re: continuation of Tebak Tebakan Iklan di TV   continuation of  Tebak Tebakan Iklan di TV EmptyFri Jun 25, 2010 1:33 pm

Kacang Garuda

****** Rapinya perfect
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Shinsaku Fukuyama
Shinsaku Fukuyama

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Level: 10
Title: Shinshimavio

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PostSubyek: Re: continuation of Tebak Tebakan Iklan di TV   continuation of  Tebak Tebakan Iklan di TV EmptyFri Jun 25, 2010 3:18 pm


******* blank blank blank
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Kurai Creator
Kurai Creator

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Level: 14
Title: Shinshimavio

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PostSubyek: Re: continuation of Tebak Tebakan Iklan di TV   continuation of  Tebak Tebakan Iklan di TV EmptyFri Jun 25, 2010 4:21 pm


Kaka adek itu beda susu nya pasti ga sama

iklan apa itu?

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^ Hima 'Usui' ~ Hanami ^
^ Hima 'Usui' ~ Hanami ^

Jumlah posting : 778
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Level: 12
Title: Shinshimavio

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PostSubyek: Re: continuation of Tebak Tebakan Iklan di TV   continuation of  Tebak Tebakan Iklan di TV EmptySat Jun 26, 2010 10:51 am

heee ? apaan ? 123 bukan ?

ada aja alasan ke **** **** *****
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Kurai Creator
Kurai Creator

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Age : 29
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Level: 14
Title: Shinshimavio

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PostSubyek: Re: continuation of Tebak Tebakan Iklan di TV   continuation of  Tebak Tebakan Iklan di TV EmptySat Jun 26, 2010 11:45 am


Hoka hoka bento

*** Jagonya ayam
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Shinsaku Fukuyama
Shinsaku Fukuyama

Jumlah posting : 570
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Level: 10
Title: Shinshimavio

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PostSubyek: Re: continuation of Tebak Tebakan Iklan di TV   continuation of  Tebak Tebakan Iklan di TV EmptySun Jun 27, 2010 4:16 pm


******** i am lovin it
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